Your rope access partner for on- and offshore solutions in the oil, wind and gas industry

Projects/tasks executed by CLIMB Partner


DanTysk wind farm
North Sea One wind farm
Nysted offshore wind farm
Siemens Anholt wind farm

Sea Challenger
Sea Installer
Sea Worker

Siemens logo

Siemens – Anholt wind farm
Siements – Baltic 2 wind farm
Siemens hub anchor

maersk logo

Maersk Guardian, Maersk Recorder
Maersk Resolve Rig move
Tyra East

Dong Energy

Dong Hejre
Dong Siri-Maersk

vattenfall logo

Sandbank windfarm
DanTysk windfarm

Our company



14 years of experience within rope access in both wind / oil and gas both national and international projects.

Removing the old anode brackets from the lower part of the leg

IRATA guidelines

CLIMB Partner is following all rules and regulations under the IRATA guidelines. Our goal for 2019 is to be are probationary members of IRATA.​​